CP Mobili – Italian furniture charm handmade
A successful Italian factory CP Mobili specialises in creating exclusive furniture mostly handmade. That's why every creation of professional artists from the company's unique, prestigious and individually.
In CP Mobili work only with environmentally friendly, non-toxic and absolutely safe for humans and the environment materials. This ensures that any piece of furniture can be used directly in a residential installation.
The dominant place is the natural wood of the best varieties (basswood, cherry, etc.). It is properly dried, and then processed using advanced machinery and brought to perfection literate and experienced craftsmen owning special methods, polished, toned, varnished. The wood used is strictly check the origins, thereby eliminating uncontrolled felling.
Also involved in the production of durable glass, polyurethane foam, natural and synthetic leather, this luxury textile.
Factory CP Mobili – luxury classic style
Among the finishes used by the masters CP Mobili, manual stands out cover with gold leaf on old technologies that give furniture an expensive and luxurious look. To underscore the brilliance and elegance of the furniture decorated with intricate carvings, gorgeous inlays, precious plating.
CP Mobili furniture is not only mass production but also individual projects for the most demanding customers, including original design solutions. If you want to furnish your home not only beautiful, but also individually unique, just make a personal order, and it will be exactly performed, regardless of difficulty level.
Basic style, with which artists work CP Mobili is a unique Italian classic, refined and noble. The model is also presented in an unusual style Arte Povere, neoclassical and design trends, eclecticism and art Deco. This allows customers to choose furniture which meets their ideas about the relevance and harmony, complementing the interior rooms of the house.
In the collections of the brand CP Mobili presents a wide selection of models for many private rooms – offices, bathrooms, bedrooms, libraries, children's rooms, closets , etc., as well as options of office furniture. There are both a headset and a separate furnishings.
If you have any questions regarding products which are not presented on our site, please feel free to send us an e-mail or give us a call!