Worthy frame for your TV in the living room
Probably hard to overestimate the role of television in the modern world. Several years ago, some skeptics predicted that in the near future television will be completely replaced by a personal computer, but what do we have now? Both of these indispensable attribute of modern apartment peacefully coexist next door. But if the computer is often located in the working area, the role of TV is extremely entertaining.
So he often goes to the best part of the apartment is the living room. Preventing, not only the whole family, but also often invited guests, usually furnished with special taste and style as the most visited room of the house. And, of course, furniture for TV is not supposed to stand out from the General stylistic decisions of interior.
Fortunately, many modern manufacturers pay television furniture due attention, showing to the world such masterpieces as, for example, original and luxurious wardrobe from Italian company Bizzotto. There is nobody not a secret that the Italian furniture – the best furniture in the world. It is not only unsurpassed quality, but also about great design, always trendy, always current, often timeless.
Depending on how often you use the TV set to destination, you can select either a Cabinet with an open surface, or an original and unusual variant – a Cabinet with lockable doors, for example, the model by Carlo Asnaghi. This is not only a convenient piece of furniture designed to contain a TV in a hidden place, but stileobrazuyuschih and glamorous accessory that will allow you to preserve the integrity of the interior of a Palace or a historic style, without creating dissonance.
If you compare the TVs available in every house ten or twenty years ago with those that we have now, you can get culture shock. Of course, the world does not stand still, and this is important now television, too, has changed dramatically. Flat and thin, it is a model of modern style, and will make a wonderful addition to a living room in modern style.
Place a stand under the TV so you could watch your favorite movie or transmission with comfort – not too close, right in front of a sofa or armchair. Because the living room is a nice place to sit back, relax, listen to music, or watching interesting film.
Don't forget that appliances need air circulation, so try to avoid piling up accessories nearby. Also regularly clean the dust that collects on furniture and the TV is not only hygienic, but also beautiful.
Options cabinets for televisions in living rooms, modern furniture manufacturers, allowing us to make a choice in favor of a style that is just for you. A wide range of colors, textures, patterns, accessories, the size makes this choice easy and enjoyable.
Don't forget that the TV is just a means for entertainment, which at the same time also requires certain placement rules. For example, modern plasma still somewhat clashes with the clear retro, so think over television interior detail and then you will be able to say about your own apartment: living room+style=my house.